August 3, 2011

August 7, 2011: OKI DUB AINU BAND @ Hikari Matsuri Festival

The Hikari Matsuri (Festival of Light) is a three-day festival of music and art from August 5th through 7th with performances from a wide range of artists. OKI DUB AINU BAND will be performing on the final day of the festival. 

The venue is apparently not easily accessible (i.e. if you are taking public transportation you must take a bus after getting off at the train station), and so please contact AINU PRIDE PRODUCTIONS if you require any assistance.


8th Annual Hikari Matsuri

August 7th Line-up:
SYSTEM 7 feat. Yuji Katsui/ OKI DUB AINU BAND/ anyango/ volgrooma/ Yuji Fujii + Takashi Numazawa + Kosuke Tsuji + Naoyuki Uchida/ GOCOO/ RIKI (OZONBABY)/ Janens/ HIKARI PORTAL CLUB/ Keiho & phoka

Venue: Old Makisato Elementary School
7029 Makino, Midori-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa

Admission: 3000 yen 
(Same admission fee regardless of number of days. Comes with an entrance pass, multiple re-entry allowed. No prior ticket sales, on site only (credit cards not accepted))



  1. Photo of OKI DUB AINU BAND at Hikari Matsuri RT @pharuki Photo: ひかり祭り19 OKI DUB AINU...

  2. From @hmf_yoshi : Photos of OKI DUB AINU BAND at Hikari Matsuri
